Obtaining a special permit for navigation the vessels on waterways classified as special risk of inland waterways
Inland waterways, stretches of waterways where, due to safety risks arising from specific navigation conditions, boatmasters are required to possess competences other than those listed in the general standards of competence for the management level, should be considered as stretches of waterway with specific risks.
On critical stretch sections of waterways, a craft may be driven on completion of this examination and certification thereof.
In order to ensure safe sailing, boatmasters shall take an exam for a critical stretch of waterway in the following subjects to prove their knowledge:
- the nature of the line section,
- rules governing the line section (including legislation and administrative regulation),
- external conditions affecting the design of the route and how they are taken into account in the navigation of the vessel (e.g. water conditions - draft and clearance determination, operation of structures),
- location and other conventions and regulations, staking out and risky places in detail,
- names of all structures restricting or facilitating navigation, water movements, major coastal settlements and areas (Locality names),
- characteristics of its associated tributaries, canal connections, canals, ports,
- recognize parts of the section from photos, videos, map snippets.
Line tests shall be carried out for those sections of waterways where the navigation authority competent for the area of water requires the passage of a line test. Line tests may be taken in Hungary for water areas outside Hungary subject to a line examination if the shipping authority competent for the location of the water area has consented to it.
A list for critical stretch of waterways classified is available by clicking HERE.
Exam for critical stretch of waterway, Rhein sections >>
Exam for critical stretch of waterway, Danube Germanian sections >>
Exam for critical stretch of waterway, Danube Austrian sections >>
Exam for a critical stretch of waterway Danube, Hungarian-Slovak joint sections >>
Exam for critical stretch of waterway, Danube Hungarian sections >>