In Hungary, road drivers’ traffic psychological examination has been performed by KAV Közlekedési Alkalmassági és Vizsgaközpont Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (that is KAV Centre for Assessing Fitness to Drive and Drivers’ Examinations Non-Profit Limited Liability Company, hereinafter referred to as Examination Centre) and its legal predecessors since 1978. During this time, with the help of extensive professional experience and knowledge, the Directorate has successfully developed and continuously enhanced their special methodology. PÁV is an acronym for traffic psychological assessment (that is LYAALKALMASSÁGI VIZSGÁLAT) of road drivers or candidate drivers.

Place of assessment tests, and the address of the directorate’s customer service dealing with the assessment:  1082 Budapest, Vajdahunyad utca 45.

Aim of the assessment

The examination aims at determining whether or not drivers

  • possess the individual psychological factors necessary for safe driving, adaptation to different traffic situations as well as for the tolerance of the strain arising while driving,
  • possess the necessary skills to perceive, decide and behave properly in order to drive safely,
  • are able to acquire the knowledge and skills required to drive a vehicle.

Skills and abilities examined during the assessment

  • attention
  • tolerance for monotony
  • peripheral perception
  • ability to overview traffic
  • reactivity (reaction time, accuracy of decision reaction, mental workload capacity)
  • sensory and motor skills
  • estimation of speed and distance
  • visual memory
  • intelligence

Personality traits examined during the assessment

  • self-knowledge
  • self-control
  • rule awareness
  • sense of responsibility
  • empathy
  • cooperation

PÁV categories

Each driving activity is associated with different mental workload, which is indicated by PÁV categories I-IV. These categories show the level of skills, maturity and integration of the personality relevant to safe traffic behaviour.

Useful information

444/2017. (XII. 27.) Korm. rendelet a közúti járművezetők pályaalkalmassági vizsgálatáról (that is Decree 444/2017 of 27 December 2017 on the assessment of road drivers)

Category requirements


For driving

  • motor vehicles bearing distinguishing signs (may be granted for up to 5 years).


For driving

  • buses, trolleybuses and/or passenger cars providing passenger transport services in the framework of road transport services,
  • buses with at least 17 permanent seats besides the driver’s seat providing international road passenger transport services, 
  • motor vehicles transporting dangerous goods.


For driving

  • lorries, tow vehicles, road tractors and combinations of vehicles of a maximum authorised mass exceeding 7500 kg engaged in national and/or international road transport services

Eligibility criteria

Only drivers possessing

  • a Group 2 medical certification are entitled to apply for the assessment of fitness to drive.
  • a valid “B” or “C” or “D” category driving license and not considered as novice are entitled to apply for PÁV I. and PÁV II. category assessment.