Exam for critical stretch of waterway, Hungarian sections, exam syllabus and question bank

The exam consists of a multiple-choice test subject and an oral test subject.

Multiple choice test:

There are 16 questions on the test sheet. Among the options for answering questions, it is necessary to choose the correct answer.

Answering a test question correctly is worth 1 point. Some questions have more than one correct answer option. A successful answer is considered if all correct answers are marked for the test questions and no incorrect answer options are marked.

The test exam lasts 16 minutes from the moment you are asked the questions.

The exam subject receives a successful qualification (M) if the candidate indicates the correct answer in at least 12 of the 16 questions.


Oral examination can be taken after successful completion of a test exam!

Oral exam:

In order to successfully pass the line knowledge exam, the candidate must prove that he or she has accurate knowledge of the exam phase

  • to be able to demonstrate knowledge of the nature of the test section,
  • to be able to demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the nature of the subject matter of the test (including legislation and official regulations),
  • the external conditions affecting the design of the waterway and their processing (e.g. water levels - draft and clearance determination, operation of structures),
  • the manner of normal placement or waiting places and other requirements of the faiway,
  • the sections where ship-ship encounter is prohibited,
  • the marking of the fairway and details of all dangerous points,
  • all structures restricting or facilitating navigation, and movement of the water,
  • berths and turning places, major loading berths and ports and their approach,
  • the names of its main coastal settlements and areas (Place name),
  • the characteristics of its associated tributaries, canal connections, canals and harbours,
  • recognising parts of the fairway or ports from photographs, videos, maps.

During the examination, the candidate must provide a detailed description of the passage through the subsection highlighted by the examination board, in particular the position in the riverbed, the form of the usual positioning or waiting, the marking of the fairway, the signs for navigation, place names, characteristics of the structures, abnormal water movements, restricted navigable and "no meeting" subsections, and the rules of communication.

During the exam – as part of the oral exam – the examinee proves the exact knowledge of the locations and the applicable knowledge of the markings and symbols used on nautical charts by completing  a blind chart. At least 1 piece of blind chart must be completed in our exam, regardless of the length of the section.

On the blind map, the candidate must indicate, according to the nature of the section:

  • the position of the fairway,
  • the usual method of placement or waiting,
  • the palaces where ship-ship encounter(no meeting subsection)  is prohibited,
  • signs for directing waterway traffic and marksigns the fairway,
  • characteristic data of structures (e.g. navigating openings of bridges, operation of water steps),
  • location, effects and dependence of abnormal flow phenomena (e.g. strong cross-flow, backflow), and
  • obstacles in the river bed (e.g. rocks, fords(shalow water subsection), submerged objects),
  • berthing,mooring and turning places, major loading and discharging places and ports and their access.

In the oral examination, the candidate solves the tasks in the order that is/was indicated/specified by the examiner.

The exam lasts until the examiner can decide on the qualification of the answer based on what was said at the exam and the completion of the blind map.

When notifying the answer, the examiner decides on the qualification of the exam on the basis of what has been said, based on the safety of navigation, the existence of up-to-date section knowledge, the feasibility of the voyage and other aspects falling within the scope of everyday professional practice.

The use of tool in the multiple-choice test and the oral test is prohibited.


Application for the exams